ESL: English as a Second Language Program

About ESL the ESL Program

"Title III, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as reauthorized under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), aims to ensure that English learners (ELs) and immigrant students attain English proficiency and develop high levels of academic achievement in English. Title III will also assist all English learners meet the same challenging State academic standards that all children are expected to meet."(Ricky Santellana, Texas Education Agency)

ESL Mission Statement:

Embracing all cultures and languages, Groesbeck ISD challenges and inspires all students. We do so by creating a multicultural environment that equips our emergent bilingual students to become lifelong learners and empowers them to succeed

ESL Program:

School districts in Texas are required by state law to assess the English language proficiency of all students whose Home Language Survey indicates that the home language is a language other than English.

If a child demonstrates limited English proficiency on the assessment, s/he will be eligible for enrollment in the appropriate language program: English as a Second Language (ESL). The goal of this program is to enable English language learners to strengthen and excel in their ability to read, listen, speak, and write the English language through the development of literacy and academic skills in grade level content areas.

For questions please contact:


Flor Lopez

ESL Coordinator

Documents for ESL/Documentos para ESL

  • ESL Brochure from Region 12

  • ESL Parent Permission Letter (Home Language Survey)/ Permiso para entrar al programa de ESL

  • ESL Parent Permission Letter (Testing)/ Permiso para entrar al programa de ESL

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